Sunday, 8 November 2015

Civil war

Once the Free Syrian Army was created, the conflict turned to a civil war as the fighting became more and more violent. Multiple armed forces from the different ethnic groups of Syria emerged, each with their own motives, and even forces from outside the country have come to join the fighting. All this conflict has become really complicated because of this situation.

To make it easier to understand only the main groups interests and allies will be mentioned. There is the army of the President Bashar al-Assad trying to maintain his position as President of Syria, backed by Russia and Iran. There is the Opposition which are multiple allied rebel groups trying to instal a democracy, these are backed by the U.S.-Led Coalition, Turkey and the Gulf States. There is also the terrorist organisation ISIS that has taked advantage of the conflict to steal some of the territory to create its so called islamic state. Finally there is the force of Rojava, which are the kurdish rebel from the north of the country, fighting for their independance and also allied with the U.S.-Led Coalition but not with Turkey.

The situation is getting even more out of hand as a sort of proxy war is happening. The United-States, which have a pretty tense relationship with Russia and Iran right now, is currently backing a faction in the Syria Civil War, while Russia and Iran are both backing the opposite faction. Only a small accident needs to happen for the hostility between these countries come back.

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